His Wonders In The Deep

Welcome to my blog: Wonders of the deep.blogspot.com. This blog contains original nautical poetry, musical compositions, photography, and video footage.

The use of earphones enhances the sound quality. If you have earphones, please use them.

Remember that you can hit the icon in the bottom right corner of the you-tube screen to utilize the full screen.

All the photography is my own unless otherwise sited.

Enjoy, and please comment if you feel inclined.

My regular blog is at: His Wonders In The Deep.blogspot.com
One word - hiswondersinthedeep.blogspot.com

This blog of music, poetry, photography, and video is:
Wonders of the Deep Sea.blogspot.com
One word - wondersofthedeepsea.blogspot.com

J. Brad Chapman

Nautical Poetry (Chronology) by J. Brad Chapman

Nautical Poetry (Chronology)
By J. Brad Chapman
This page is for Copyright Information. 
The dates below represent the date the poem was written.
The poetry of J. Brad Chapman can be cited without the written permission of the author. However, cite my name and the blog address.
J. Brad Chapman

1. Galilean Morning                                March 30, 1976

2. A Gift from the Sea                             February 1995

3. Just One Degree                                 October 5, 1998 

4. Let Virtue Garnish Every Thought         January 1, 2000
5. The Mariner’s Question                        May 3, 2000

6. Stick to the Chart                                May 23, 2003

7. The Prudent Mariner                            June 23, 2003

8. By A Very Small Helm                           January 26, 2004

9. Polished Stones                                   June 3, 2006

10. Lessons Learned                                 August 6, 2006

11. The Face of the Sea                            November 1, 2008

12. Watertight Integrity                            December 22, 2009

13. Let Down your Net                             January 1, 2012

14. The Least of These                             March 25, 2012

15. The Sea and the Soul                          August 24, 2013

16. The Beauty of the Earth                      November 21, 2013
      the Grandeur of the Sea

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