His Wonders In The Deep

Welcome to my blog: Wonders of the deep.blogspot.com. This blog contains original nautical poetry, musical compositions, photography, and video footage.

The use of earphones enhances the sound quality. If you have earphones, please use them.

Remember that you can hit the icon in the bottom right corner of the you-tube screen to utilize the full screen.

All the photography is my own unless otherwise sited.

Enjoy, and please comment if you feel inclined.

My regular blog is at: His Wonders In The Deep.blogspot.com
One word - hiswondersinthedeep.blogspot.com

This blog of music, poetry, photography, and video is:
Wonders of the Deep Sea.blogspot.com
One word - wondersofthedeepsea.blogspot.com

J. Brad Chapman

Poem: Watertight Integrity

Watertight Integrity
By  J. Brad Chapman

As we ply life’s ocean deep, on seas rough and tempest tossed,
there are rules that sailors keep, to protect from harm and loss.

And one rule that sailors prize, on their quest to cross the sea,
is to keep hatches dogged tight, for Watertight Integrity.

A loose or faulty seal, in rough seas will leak and drip,
over time the void fills up, then the weight will sink the ship.

So, in men, the same is true, if allowed themselves to lie,
their poor souls will fill with guile, and will cause their slow demise.
So . . ..
Keep your virtues watertight; don’t let sin submerge your soul,
For Watertight Integrity, will buoy you up . . . . .

It’s Flood Control.

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